
June 13th and 14th 1951

June 13, 1951

Lelia B-day

Sandridge women served the Rotary Men today for last time I guess. Rained all nite hard; creek is right up and can't cross.

G taken me to H hill to meet women. Sure lots of men have lost their hay.
Fed 49 today, very good dinner; Cream chicken and biscuits, green peas, M taters, deviled eggs + tomatoes, coffee and cake with strawberries and whip cream on it.

Still raining off and on all day...real hard since we came back. We had some rainy time!
Had letter from Mom + E

June 14, 1951

Aid meeting at Burners tonite 12 present. Very nice meeting
I fixed Mrs S and Ann's dresses
Was over R a little.
Flowers are pretty now...Begonias are all blooming!

1 comment:

  1. Although I havent' commented, I love readin the posts. Soooo Kuel!
