
December 1st and 2nd 1951

December 1, 1951

Another fine day. Baked 2 pumpkin pies, cleaned, patched some, put clean slips on pillows + chairs.  G + Tip out working at iron. then G taken some away and Tip is lost for him; won't come in till he comes.

Doris G has a BIG boy.

December 2, 1951

Robert H, Irene's husband was buried today at TB this PM

Lovely weather. I went up here to Church. After noon we went by Mr. R's got him and went back to Cedar Creek to Cliff's. Got home late; done up work. Talked, I write some then turned in as was late Sat nite for me.
Irving K's little boy Jr is in hospital.
R still nursing at nite.

1 comment:

  1. I can almost see someone going down the road in an old 50's model truck. If course she wasn't driving most of the time as that wasn't always "proper".
