
December 16th, 17th and 18th 1951

December 16, 1951

ZERO this morning.
Sun was nice, bright but was down to zero cold as 40!
G + Bob R went over to river to jig; got 3, was back till 2. He cleaned them good. Tippy went up to ML in pm a while. The men went back to river tonite again. Cold, I tell you.
I didn't go to Church, should.
H was down little.

December 17, 1951

3 below
Dickey 'Doc' will be 2 today.
Sun bright, but cold was 3 below at 8 o'clock was 6 above at 10:30.
is 2 o'clock now it's 30 above but seems to be some warmer anyway. Men got 20 some fish; G 6 nice ones. He couldn't clean them this AM too hard + frozen.
Eugene F was in wreck, got his leg broke + hurt other leg some at Front Royal hwy

*Egg .55

December 18, 1951

*Egg 53
Begin to snow about 5am; snowed several inches till about noon. Sleeted some. Now at 2pm the sun is out bright.
I cracked some walnuts. G messin in iron; had to go to the mill.
Cream man hasn't showed up yet, must be snowed under.

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