
December 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th 1951 and Ice Fishing in Virginia!

December 26, 1951

Pigs 13 weeks old
Cloudy for rain , much colder than it was this AM. May snow. Lula called. H + F was here. G up there helping with eggs; have chickens to dress for H but gas run out have to wait on it.
F came it was 2:30 we started, killed 18 chickens till 5pm. Some job. In evening G + I went up to Lula's for supper...good too. Sam, Frank, Kathy, Mrs C, Rev Garlan, Lizzie L, Mrs M came..sure funny faces. Came home and went to bed at 11 called it a day.
eggs 55

December 27, 1951

Very purty but some wind and colder. No snow or rain yet. Had letter from E they have 14 in of snow some weather out there! Am hoping to get over to Ruth's today to see the 2 new Autos the boys got for Xmas. Ruth was gone in evening we went up to town I went to Meth Church to see that pageant it was played 4 nites it was beautiful everybody should have seen it, it sure was nice. Up to ML then, Mom's cold is some better.

December 28, 1951

Sarah B-day they had a little party for her at the nursing home this PM
Chickens 12 weeks old
Some cloudy, some sun today but as cold as 40 I tell you!
I kept real close to stove. G + Tippy taken ducks to Str to sell. Tippy sure was wound up to play. I got the things ready to to to Lucille's tonite. Had Stoneburmer's down to see Mom at ML's. Evelyn has sore leg, so she won't get to go.

December 29, 1951

G + Tippy went hunting; got 2 rabbits. I worked around here all day. In evening G + Bob R went fishing, got 18; G got 10 nice ones, didn't get home till late...he slept down with Tippy! Was a long day and evening, went to bed after 12
Fred got 1950 Plymouth car at Str for $1,200.00, kids helping him.

In case any of my lovely readers would like to learn about ice-fishing....here is a fabulous site!

Virginia Ice Fishing

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