
December 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th 1951

December 8, 1951
*May K, Earl + Silas tried to butcher today (Rainy)
C come over they put rings in 3 sows and turned them out.
I killed big white rooster, will bake pies too + patch some.
Went for Kipp's he changed 21 pigs + put rings in thier snouts. In evening Jake Z, Coz Annie, Walter, + young Bill K came a little; his first trip to Va. We went up to town a while.

December 9, 1951

A very purty day!
I went up to Patmos, then to MJ's, Coz  A + Walter was there. In pm we went over to see Ethel + Grace M, but no one at home. Then I taken them to Burner's, there they went to Joanna's for supper, then F + MJ picked them up and brought them down at 8:30. Was 11 when we went to bed.

December 10, 1951

Cloudy for snow or rain.
G taken the folks up to ML to say Goodby and at 11:45 will get bus for DC. On their way home will take 4 days + nite to get home.
Was a short stay but enjoyed having them.
G will go to F Royal for Tippy. Guess she will be happy to get home. I know will be. Must get some mail out now.
Tippy is fine, healed up nice.
Practice tonite.

December 11, 1951

Weather not to cold.
Cloudy for snow. We shelled corn and Guy + Tippy went to mill in evening. I went to women of Church at the parsonage in TB. Good many there, 13 of us. More of them had nice refreshment. Got colder in evening.

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