
February 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th 1951

February 5, 1951

Sun was out Bright. I had very big wash. Emma Jean + Sissy was over for cookies. G taken nap. Then went to mill. I defrosted Refri.
Box came from E. I worked some on J's coat.

February 6, 1951

Weather real muddy not so very cold. I sewed all day on J's coat. G gone for eggs .39
In evening I baked gingerbread. Got ready for the dinner up town.

February 7, 1951

Started to rain in nite. Rained hard all morning then turning to snow, too wet to lay. Creek got up in no time. I fixed taters, cold slaw, got ready to leave here at 15 of 10.

Fed 56 today...good dinner. ML in bed, real bad cold. Esther has bad cold and Rose not feeling very good. Turned colder as day went on in evening it had dropped 29 degrees. Was 42 in AM, in PM was 14. Wind so strong.

Had twin lambs this AM; 1 dead, the other in the house.

*Letter from E; terrible cold out there too.

February 8, 1951

Awful cold I tell you! Just about zero and so windy, really is wild. I sewed some and worked at odd jobs.

Earl B-day 54 I guess.

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