
January 29th, 30th and 31st 1951

January 29, 1951

Cloudy for rain or snow. One in PM it started to sleet + rain, got bad in the nite.
Ruth got home, okay. G gone to have starter fixed, i quilted.

Taken old man his clothes over.

Railroad strike in lots of big city's.

January 30, 1951

Snowing, sleeting, raining...really a bad day to be out. I can quilt.
Eggs 39
In evening Cecil, boys and Elwood was here a while.
Ruth nursing home in Win.
Not many stiring outside. Got starter fixed today.

January 31, 1951

Rev LJS died this AM in his home in Charlotte; he was a fine old man, we sure did like him. He sure loved our ice cream. He was 80 yrs old.

Rained nearly all day, was awful out. Rained turned to sleet was it slick every where!
Ruth didn't go to work at Winc..too bad
G has chains on, taken 2 ruptured pigs to stock sale weighed 140
I quilted

Another lamb. 8 now

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